Blogging Task #6

Having a positive self esteem is essential to developing a healthy mind and a positive feeling about ourselves. Let’s face it, there are enough things that stress us out in life and give us a reason to worry or feel uncomfortable, so we owe it to ourselves to make sure we have a healthy balance in life. It can be useful to think of ourselves as a vehicle with a full tank of fuel; as we drive along our tank gets emptied and sometimes we get to a point where we struggle to complete a journey because the tank is so low. This task is all about refilling our personal tank. What fills your tank? What makes you feel good? Is there a place you go to that makes you feel revitalised? Do you have a hobby or interest that takes you away from the daily grind and makes you feel good? Is there a tv show that absorbs your attention and helps you forget your stresses? We all need to refuel, but what fills your tank?

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