Sometimes it feels like we’re all living in some sort of mixed reality. Time seems to move at different speeds depending on nothing more than how old you happen to be. I remember when I was a child (yes, a very long time ago), a time of my life that seems to play out in slow motion, through sepia movie reels and faded Polaroid images, days bathed in sunshine and smiles. I can recall desperately yearning to grow up, thinking it would never happen, that time was some sort of eternal punishment that had condemned me to a foreverness of being a child and having to do what I was told. I even worked out how old I would be when the year 2000 ticked over and thought it just too impossibly far away to ever actually happen. Time just moved so slow! Then, at some point, I seem to have blinked and here I am with way more questions than answers. How can it be term 2 already? Didn’t we just start the holiday fortnight? Where did all that eternity disappear to? Why are my few remaining hairs so grey? Term 2 is, in fact, up and running and there’s no turning back. The students have their leavers’ shirts, the lessons have started and we’re doing our best to keep up. As I observe the students, I realise there are two opposing realities of time alive and co-existing right here in my classroom – I wonder how Einstein would have explained that?!