Blogging Task #4

This post is one for the students.

For Blogging Task #4 I want you to watch this video and tell me what you think. Do you think it’s a good idea or a bad idea? Do you agree with any of the reasons behind why it’s being done? Would it be good for you and your family? What about the teachers (very important)?

Give me your opinion along with your reasons. You might want to put forward a compromise; perhaps some points are good and along with your own ideas you could make the situation even better.

Blogging Task #3

Do you have a favourite factual or lifestyle programme? The task this time is to write a post about one such programme. Factual and lifestyle programmes both entertain and enlighten us and can be amongst the best programmes on television.

My favourite (even though this does tend to change depending on what’s on tv at the time) is COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey with the amazing scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The programme was originally aired in 1980 with Carl Sagan, but the ever changing nature of science and technology means that there has been many new discoveries since then. Tyson has explained (amongst so many things) about the laws of physics which are evident and constant throughout the universe and also the evidence that underpins our understanding of evolution. His ability to demonstrate complex scientific concepts in an entertaining and easy to understand style makes this programme an absolute MUST SEE for anyone with an open mind to the type of science that explains and proves our understanding of the universe, who we are and where we came from.

Parent Task #1

This new blogging task isn’t for the students, it’s for the parents. This is a great way for parents to have a look at and get involved with their child’s online life. Although, having introduced it as a “parent task” I’d be more than happy for any close, concerned relative of the students to get involved with our blogs. Parents (grandparents, aunts, uncles…), you can either write a post or comment on your child’s blog (I’m sure they won’t mind if you ask them nicely) or leave a comment on this one. The post could be about yourselves, your work, about your own school life, an event from your past, a hobby, pastime or skill, in fact anything you like. It could even be to do with a news story, something which may spark some thoughts for the students. A comment on this blog would also be welcome. Check out our Blogging Task #2 and read Mr Millar’s amazing musings, they may inspire you to recall your own meaningful lyrics. Make sure you first ask your child about our strict safety and commenting rules. Good luck and have fun!

Blogging Task #2

Doctor Who, glass art, the conflicts in the Ukraine, teenage self image, computer games, family visits and cricket. Who said the youth of today hasn’t the depth or quality of previous generations? If this sample of week 1 blog topics are anything to go by then the students of LA19 have got their collective fingers firmly on the pulse. In contrast, this latest blogging task is a bit of fun.

Some song lyrics, for whatever reason, strike a chord in our minds and end up having an impact, or at least stay in our memory. This line from Big Country’s hit In A Big Country has always stayed in my mind:

“I’m not expecting to grow flowers in the dessert,

But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime.”

I’ve never been a particular fan of their music, but when I first heard these lines they just made such an impact they’re still in my mind. Maybe it was because they convey a message that I can totally relate to, almost like a personal, laid back philosophy (it feels like I should have ended that sentence with, “man”). Other songs have stuck, too, but these lyrics are more meaningful than most. The task for LA19 this time is to tell the world about a song or some lines from a song that, for whatever reason, have stayed with you. What are the words? What do they mean to you?

I look forward to your completed tasks.

Blogging Task #10

This time it’s all about technology. At school we are trying to integrate as much technology into our lessons as possible, but only if it’s relevant to the lessons and makes the learning better. However, I’ve been so impressed with the amount of technology being used by you at home that I want to know what type of technology would you like to see being used at school. This could be programmes, applications, hardware, in fact anything. Let me know what it is and what we could use it for. Also, try to think of any dangers or risks that might come with the technology which may mean that the school might say no.

Blogging Task #9

Well, LA19, here it is, the long awaited and much requested new task.

Lately we’ve been learning about the lives of several families through the 20th century. We’ve been working backwards from 2008, decade by decade, learning about the lives and issues of Australians of the times. Amongst other things we’ve seen some fabulous 80s fashions, listened to the music and looked at the great “Top Trumps” card collections. The task for you this week is to ask your parents about a special toy, game or possession from their past. See if you can find a photo of this cherished object (remember our fair use image rules) or perhaps even do a little research on it. Even better would be a short write-up from your parents themselves to describe their own special memory. Maybe they even had one of these toys below! Do your parents remember them or are they too young?

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Blogging Task #8

This blogging task is all about reflecting on ourselves. We are half way through the year and it is VERY important that we reflect on our own performance and progress during our time in LA19. This task is all about YOU!  Education is a long process and YOU have the biggest responsibility for your own progress and development. So, where do you think you are right now? How do you feel this year has gone so far? Write about your thoughts and feelings regarding your progress this year. You may wish to include some of the points below.

  • What have you enjoyed?
  • What have you not enjoyed?
  • How have you improved in your learning and your personal growth?
  • What do you feel you need to improve. educationally and personally?
  • What are your goals for the rest of the year?
  • What have you learned this year?

Blogging Task #7

This week you need to find the time to finish and upload your podcasts. This is quite a long task as you have to make sure it’s completed on the iPads, then upload it to Soundcloud and convert it to an mp3 on Zamzar before you can post it. I also want you to write an introduction to explain a little about your podcast first. Friday is the deadline, so use whatever time you can to complete this task. I look forward to listening to your great productions.

Blogging Task #6

This week I want you to write about a story from BTN. Think about the stories we saw and write about which one either concerned you most or just interested you. Children have great and valid opinions about the things happening in their world and sometimes need to take a stand and say what’s on their mind. After all, the opinions you have now may effect the type of world we choose to have in the future. When writing consider the points below:

  • Which story concerned or interested you?
  • Did you learn something you didn’t previously know?
  • Does the topic of the story play a part in your life?
  • How do you feel about the story?
  • Do you have any ideas on what should be done?
  • Is there anything YOU can or will do?

If you wish to do any further research on the story you may. Also, you have to re-read your work and you MUST EDIT your writing before you post.