Welcome To Our Blog

This is all about us!

What we will be doing here is talking, talking about everything and anything. We all have opinions, likes, dislikes, things that make us smile and things that make us mad, and we all want to be heard. That’s where Our blogs come in. Our blogs will be used as a motivation for writing as well as a way of letting everyone know who we are and what we’re like. Check out the student’s blogs, the links are on the left, but please be aware that this is an ongoing journey and the end is still a long way away!

If you want to find out how we got here check out the Staff Room page where there’s a link to The BIG IT Project. Again, this is ongoing as it’s a reflection of the ups and downs of our IT experiences. Hope you find it informative.


Digital Privacy is Everything!

Always follow these few simple steps:

  • Use your first name only to identify yourself.
  • Leave off your home email, your street address, phone number, or school name.
  • Don’t share specifics of your daily routines that involve time and location (ie where & when your soccer practice is, which park you go to…)

Based on the excellent Huzzah! Blog. Check it out.

This site is moderated and all comments will need to be approved before they will appear. These rules meet with the Department of Education and Training’s Internet Publishing Guidelines and will help keep our children safe.

Guidelines for good posts.

  • Be topical – write about things that have grabbed your attention and you think need to be discussed. The more interesting it is the more people will want to read it.
  • Don’t make your posts too long – keep them to the point as people sometimes get bored if the post drags on
  • Try not to use “Hi” or “Bye” as this can make your blog seem a little immature.
  • Review any comments that people have made – they have gone to the effort, so should you.