Worth A Visit

Hi all. This is a blog that I think is well worth a visit, it’s from Sophie and is kept pretty well up to date. See what you think and leave a polite comment if you wish. Alternatively, have another look at the students’ blogs attached to the excellent Huzzah blog. Don’t forget, you can still read and comment on each other’s blogs. Another idea worth considering (I think I may have already mentioned this one) is to see if your old school, perhaps in the UK or elsewhere, has a website or blog you could leave a comment on. Say hello and remind them of who you are and whose class you were in.

Edublogs App

Okay, following my seriously unsuccessful attempts to use the Edublogs App (and moaning about it for not working) I have now got it sorted. Whilst I was already signed in I thought I would try signing out and signing back in again. It worked! Now all the features which were supposed to be there ARE there. I’m going to try again to post a photo so wish me luck!


Well done!

Well, we might be on holiday but that hasn’t stopped Georgia and Monika from continuing to post great work on their blogs. Well done girls! Also, a BIG thank you to parents (Oriyah’s, Pharyn’s, Gian’s, Georgia’s) for taking part in the Parent Blogging Challenge. It’s great to have parents involved with what we’re doing.

If any students wish to post while on holiday you can. Tell us about your trips, sleepovers, go-kart races, the tv shows you are watching… If you are from England (or anywhere else, really) it might be a good idea to find your old school, see if they have a blog and leave a polite comment.

On another note, I have been going through the blogs and have noticed that some of you have a number of comments that you need to check. They may need approving or trashing, depending on what they’re like. Remember, some people wait to see if they get a reply from a comment and may be disappointed if it doesn’t arrive. Also, PLEASE check your writing before you publish your posts so you can avoid those simple errors that make us look bad.

Have a safe holiday  🙂

Paper Blogs

I know I’ve posted about this previously but I think it’s well worth a reminder. For anyone thinking of starting a blog with their class this has got to be a great start. Creating a paper blog can be a fabulous introduction to blogging, or it can be used as a stepping stone for younger students before they get to the higher years where they begin blogging on the internet. One of our year 5 classes did this last year with great success.This excellent post from Karen McMillan is well worth a read.