Blast Off!

Finally, the new blogs are up and the students are really starting to find their feet. What has impressed me most is the care they have taken with their choices of headers and backgrounds. Prior to starting the blogs we all did a lot of work on copyright and internet safety and it’s clear that this has paid off with students creating and using their own images. The students are also thinking about the information they reveal about themselves and have tried their utmost to leave specific times, places and dates from their posts.

One of the great incentives for having a blog is that it forces us as writers to try and produce an error free product each time. While this isn’t always achieved it’s great to see students checking and revisiting their work in order to show themselves in the best light possible. One or two of us are still checking our writing following the initial excitement of simply getting some posts published and they will be polished up this week.

A special mention to Monika who has really taken to blogging in an impressive way.

Over the next few weeks the first group will develop their skills until they are ready to tutor the next set of budding bloggers. I hope we may even have the whole class online before the end of the first term.

2 thoughts on “Blast Off!

  1. Dear Mr.Hope, that is a fantastic idea with the blogs. Pharyn is always asking to go on my computer to do her blog. It is an amazing way to help the kids learn in a very exciting way. Marcelle

  2. Dear Marcelle
    Thank you very much for the nice comments, it’s great to get positive feedback from parents. Pharyn has become one of the major bloggers in the class and is producing some wonderful and interesting writing. I just have to make sure I keep it interesting for them now! 🙂

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