Busy, Busy, Busy!

Wow, this term has been so hectic that, while I’ve been telling the students to keep up with their blogs, I’ve almost completely neglected my own. Not really a good example! Well, one thing we managed to do, which was pretty spectacular, was we made our own vortex cannon for the school science week. We learnt about different types of vortices and saw what a toroid vortex actually looks like. To be honest, though, it was mostly just an excuse to do something sciencey (I know – not really a word) and motivational. Sometimes we’ve got to ditch the write-ups and simply show how exciting and fun science can be. Science is what holds the key to all our futures, so if we can ignite a little spark of enthusiasm then we’ll all be the better for it.

Unfortunately, due to a severe technical malfunction (the fog machine broke) we couldn’t take any photos, but a new one is on the way and as soon as it arrives I’ll take some snaps.

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