Well, I haven’t posted anything for quite a few weeks now, but December has been one busy, busy month. The nature of the end of year workload is the only valid excuse I can really come up with, but it’s a fair one, as any teacher can tell you.
Anyway, the fabulous students of LA19 have finally left the building – some forever as they move on to other towns and other schools. I can honestly say that this year’s bunch have been the most successful bloggers I have ever had the pleasure to work with. The value of the blogs has again been obvious to me and has justified my use of them in the classroom. Naturally, like all classroom activities, not all students are going to be as keen and successful as each other and that is perhaps something I need to take on board for when I roll out a new class next year. Those students who find difficulty fulfilling workload demands are generally the least proactive bloggers and I think this is an area I may review in 2014. However, having said that, the new format of Edublogs and the costs involved may be a deciding factor when the final decisions need to be made.
Good luck to the LA19 class of 2013, wherever you may end up. Have a safe and fun summer holiday and for those returning to school in 2014 I’ll see you in February.