In preparation for ANZAC day our fabulous library officer, Ms Higgs, has created an awesome display in the library. To help with this some of the staff also brought in items of their own that have some military significance, or are mementoes of their relatives who have fought in war. I lent some photos of one of my ancestors (John William Terry from my mother’s side) and his death plaque from World War 1. Check out the photos below and click on them for a larger version.
Hi Mr Hope,
It is very interesting to see some history that has been in your family for generations. You must be very proud of your ancestors. We are very lucky to view this amazing display in our own library. Thank you for sharing such a lovely piece of history.
Savannah, yes, we are proud, but it always leaves a bit of a sad feeling when I think that he set off to war a very young man and was dead a year later. That’s why it’s so important that we keep such precious items safe. Thank you for such a lovely comment, Savannah.