I’ve written about the many benefits to students from blogging here so many times in the past, in fact I have a very old page on this blog where I lay out some of my thoughts. However, I don’t think I’ve ever written about the down side. Well, there is one, albeit a very minor one, and even this has its positive side – it’s my extra workload! This, though, is the type of workload that makes the job worth it! Motivated, keen and dedicated students are what makes the education world go around, and we have heaps of them in LA14. Check out Paige’s recent podcast on the Stolen Generation; follow Georgia’s and Megan’s successes on the athletics field; read about Ankita’s experience of a wedding in India; learn about Nik’s amazing success at Taekwondo and see his fish-eye lens photo. Not only am I learning so much about the students that I would never normally know, but they are writing extra, using technology and staying safe and respectful online. The extra effort of setting the blogs up and checking them out is the best kind of extra workload for a teacher!