The title pretty much sums up my class (well, most of them) and lately they’ve been very spoilt. A couple of weeks ago the girls took part in an inter-school football competition (Aussie rules football) and ended up winning the trophy. Then last week some students from the special football programme at the local senior high school came to hold a football clinic with the girls and the boys. They had an absolutely great time and showed off their trophy winning talents. Check out the photos below (apologies for the poor quality, it was a pretty dull day).
Mr Hope,
That day was soooo amazing, I tried so hard to specky that person but it is harder that it looks!
“Rachel’s specky was so amazing, she leaped so high”
I like doing the footy clinic. Because we ran and tackle a bag and One of my Favorite ones is the one where you jump on their backs and catch the ball that one is my favorites.
Hey Mr Hope,
That day at the carnival was so much fun because I was with my friends and we won the trophy YAY!!😆😆
Hey teacher,
Even though I’ve never played footy before, now that I’m more familiar with it, it seems very fun. Especially with the tackling! At first when I see footy on TV, I think it looks way too rough. When I was 3 years old, I used to tackle my dad for fun! I’m good at kicking, but I’m worse at handpassing 😬
Hey Mr Hope,
I had a good time at footy, although I wish the weather was better.
– Kori
PS sorry for the first comment I didnt know we had to write a complex sentence.
I had so much FUN it was so cool to see the people in the footy programme because im in the footy programme, thx Lola i guess my specky was great WOOHOO. SPECKY FOR DAYS.
Hi Mr Hope,
I had the best time at football with all the tackles, football dodge ball and kicking and hand passing. Even though I hit my head, tackling the tackle post I still had lots and lots of FUN!!!
Thanks for agreeing to the football clinic.
Hey Mr Hope,
I had so much FUN, my favorite part was doing a specky on the guys back!
Hey Mr Hope,
Thanks for letting us join in with the footy clinic, because, we all know how much you hate us missing a chance to finish off work. Since it was raining, we couldn’t fully enjoy the time. But, I guess what happens in Hocking, stays in Hocking. (Wow, that was a lot more weirder than I planned it to be)
Mr Hope,
Thanks for letting us have so much sport, as we have missed out on so much work you love. Since it was raining after this, we had to do more work than planned on the day but it helped out a lot. Thanks a lot, Judd is out
Hey Mr Hope,
The weather was cool but it was so fun, It was a fun time I had. I hope we can do more of these things, even though it was cool and raining, I suggest we should work harder and strive for our goals, then we can get more time to do these amazing things. I think everyone had a great time even if people that don’t like footy, I saw everyone having fun. I also think it was nice of the local high school to come down and waste their time teaching us and letting us have fun. I even know a some of them.
Beau, it was a good day and the picture show how much fun you were all having. Great effort writing so much on your comment and with including complex sentences.
Judd, well done for trying to comment with complex sentences. However, try not to finish your comments in such a flippant way.
Well done for trying to include complex sentences in your comment, Maddox.
Maddi, I’m pleased you had fun, but remember, this task was about writing complex sentences.
Emily, well done for commenting with a complex sentence.
Kori, this is a very impressive complex sentence. Well done!
You Jung, well done for including a complex sentence in your comment, although you need to be a little more formal with your greeting.
Rylee, I’m really pleased you enjoyed the day, but I’m more pleased you managed to post a comment on my blog.
Lola, I’m glad you enjoyed the day and managed to comment about it on my blog.
Hi Mr Hope,
My name is Neo and I’m 12 years old. I Live In New Zealand. I really like how you have spoilt your class and how they are not anti-social. I would recommend your class to play Football/Soccer because AFL is kind of a dangerous sport. I like how Beau Is jumping on someone’s back and that person has a cushion thing on his back, but hopefully, Beau did not break his back. I would recommend going to my class blog
Sincerely Neo
Hi Mr Hope,
My name is Abdul, I like your blog post it is a very fun experience to read. Well Done for winning inter-school football competition and getting a trophy. I enjoyed the part when you said your class has been very spoilt lately it made me laugh. This makes me think about how I play football every day with my friends and I enjoy it every day. Next time you could talk a little bit about the competition and what happened. Maybe you should check my blog post at
Hey Mr Hope, My name is Daniel and I’m 12 years old. I’m from New Zealand and I visited your blog from a comment your students gave me. I really like how your students are having fun outdoor playing football. Congratulations on winning the trophy! The students in the photos looked fun. I think this sport is really dangerous but I’m not forcing them to not play football but I just want to say stay safe when playing and look after yourself. I would like you to check out our class blog and look at some post.
From Daniel.
Hello Mr Hope.
I am Marius and I live in New Zealand. I like to play Rugby but I don’t play Aussie rules because I don’t live in Australia and I wouldn’t know how to play. My class does have a blog of its own. You could come and visit it sometime
From Marius