Smell The Roses

If only we had more time, but unfortunately we’ve all become victims of “the system”. As teachers, we give the students a task to complete but then serve them with frustratingly mixed messages: “Take your time, take care with your work, think about what you’re doing, but do it quickly as we have to do something else.” If the pressures of the curriculum aren’t enough, students are fighting their own pressures and the innate expectations of their modern, instant world. Students know knowledge is instant, available at their fingertips, and a contact, a photo, a purchase or a movie is only a click away. Waiting is a thing of the past and the need to spend time creating something often seems alien to the modern student. Time, it seems, is a thing that needs to be taught, and that’s exactly what we’re doing in LA14. We’ve started an art activity which is going to take right up until the end of term to complete. On top of that, we’re also creating a special Father’s Day gift which requires a vast amount of patience and care to complete (not to mention sawing, sanding, sticking and rubbing). These special activities are forcing the students to take more care and time with their work and to be much more thoughtful. If we’re lucky they’ll even learn the of pleasures to be gained from once in a while being able to slow down and just smell the roses.

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