Setting Our Sights High

How can you measure the height of a flagpole when, even stood on a ladder, you’re barely two metres tall? Well, the answer is Maths! Only a few weeks ago, some of the students couldn’t make heads nor tails of using a protractor. Now, they’re charging off and using angle measurements, lengths, conversions and a very specialised measuring device to gauge the height of various items around the school. Having stuck some sights (rolled up card) to our straight trigonometric inclinometer consideration kit (S.T.I.C.K) the students were ready to begin measuring the heights of the block, flagpole, goal post… The practical uses of maths is always something I strive to include in class so the students can see how it applies to the real world, and have fun at the same time. This time the students practically rose to the challenge and aimed high so they could stick to their task and reach new heights – (ahem, I’m here all week).

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