A Rich Class

“Australia – best in the world!” I’ve heard this so many times since I emigrated 23 years ago, and this week we had a wonderful example of how true this statement can be. We’re so rich and privileged here in LA1 and we were able to flaunt our wealth to the whole community this week when we sang a song all about celebrating diversity. You see, LA1 is a mix of all religions and none at all, cultures and traditions from so many backgrounds, families from India, Singapore, Macedonia, England, Hungary (and many more) all working and playing together in one small classroom. No, we didn’t sing about wealth, but our riches were in view for everyone to see.

3 thoughts on “A Rich Class

  1. Yay! Thank you Mr Hope, I am finally alone in the photo of me.

  2. How do come up with super FABLOUS titles and the info in ALL of your posts? I think the reason is that you are an intelligent and amazing teacher!

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