Banknote Project

Monika’s Cover Page

This term the students have been developing their research skills through a project on Australian Banknotes. The topic was chosen because it lends itself to several levels and aspects of research. It’s interesting once you start looking closely at your national currency just how much there is to find out. There are the obvious faces, but there are also many images which are in the designs that we never get to see unless we take a really close look. There are also many security features on the notes that we just assume are part of a fancy pattern. The students learned to find simple factual information and also how to research the historical figures used on the notes in detail. The project showed us the type of people are regarded as being respected enough to be included as national representatives on the Australian currency.

We had some very good projects and some of the students learned just how tricky it can be to complete a whole research task to a high standard.

Facts on the $20 & $50

Blogging Task #3

Do you have a favourite factual or lifestyle programme? I do; mine is American Pickers on A & E, Foxtel. I like to see the things they find from the past. They sometimes find some amazing objects that really bring social history to life and tell the story of how real people lived. The people the pickers meet can be incredibly interesting and they’ve often lived an exciting or unusual life. They can often be seen living on large areas of land with amazing collections of artifacts that the rest of us would class as trash. These collections have built up over many years and it’s fascinating to find out how and why these people got to this point in their lives. I also like the scenery that we get to see from the eastern states of America, some of it is quite stunning and it looks a beautiful place to live. The hosts are pretty interesting, too, and seem to be genuinely decent people.

Tell me about a factual or lifestyle programme that you like. Describe it and explain why you like it

LA 19 Explorers

Young Scientists

This week all the year 6 & 7 students, including us from LA19, went on an excursion to Kings Park Rio Tinto Naturescape. The students enjoyed all the different activities such as walking barefoot through the creek, climbing the towers, getting tangled in the ropes and building cubbies. It was a wonderful chance for the students to enjoy getting close to nature and experiencing the type of outdoor activities they rarely get to do. Following this the students took part in scientific investigations into wetlands, the creatures that exist in and around them and the importance of wetlands to a healthy biodiversity. The science was completely hands on and thouroughly enjoyable and educational. Thanks to the great staff at Kings Park and to Mrs. Bartucciotto for her excellent organisation.


Watch out for crocs!


All Tangled Up

Tidy-up Time

Ok, as we get ready to head into our long Easter break we need to think about tidying up our blogs. By now each student who has been given a blog should have completed the following:

  • Recent posts where the spelling and punctuation have been checked thouroughly by yourself and possibly another student
  • A Clustr Map to keep track of visitors
  • An About Me page which conforms to our strict safety rules
  • A post about a favourite song
  • A comment on someone else’s blog which also conforms to our commenting rules
  • A header and background which are free to use, preferably your own photos

This week we will all have the usual 40 minute session during our literacy rotations, but you can always do extra at home and during recess and lunch should you wish. Once we’ve tidied up we’ll be ready for our next task. If you aren’t sure about anything you can ask me or one of the more experienced bloggers.  🙂

Charity Work

Pharyn, Holly, Georgia, Tiana

This week we had a special “Purple Day” to raise money for Epilepsy. During lunchtime the fantastic girls from LA19 gave their time to continue their own generous charity work collecting for Princess Margaret Hospital, in particular their children’s cancer department. The girls have been incredibly generous in giving their time regularly to follow through with their own plan to raise money to help those less fortunate than themselves. Wonderful work, girls.

Caring Kids


For the past two weeks four of my students (Georgia, Holly, Pharyn and Tiana) have been busy developing a plan to raise money for a cancer charity. Apart from demonstrating just what decent and caring students they are, they have developed the whole project themselves. They came up with three different proposals: a donation request to staff, a jelly bean contest also for staff and a cheaper jelly bean contest for students. They did the planning, approached the principal with their proposal and finally introduced the contest to the students, all done as an extra to their studies. A super effort girls and one you and the school can be proud of.

Blogging Task #2

I’m so pleased with how everyone is trying to stick to the safe blogging rules and trying to comment appropriately on each others’ blogs. In fact, I think we’re doing so well that we need another challenge, so I’ve set a new task, well, two tasks actually. First, you need to create an “About Me” page. Use the Edublogs Help Guides on Pages to find out how to do it. The Guides are located on the top left of your dashboard and have a little life-belt image. Think carefully about the type of information you reveal – be very general and leave out personal information and specific details. For the second part you have to think of a song that has meaning for you. Write about why the song is important, what it means to you, how it makes you feel, what memory it brings back.

Music, Drama and Dance

Today we had the Performing Arts students from Wanneroo Secondary College entertain us with their amazing range of talents. The performances were fabulous and ranged from dance troupes to soloists and really highlighted the opportunities available to talented youngsters at Wanneroo Secondary College. A big thanks to Mr. Millar for helping to organise this event for us.

Blast Off!

Finally, the new blogs are up and the students are really starting to find their feet. What has impressed me most is the care they have taken with their choices of headers and backgrounds. Prior to starting the blogs we all did a lot of work on copyright and internet safety and it’s clear that this has paid off with students creating and using their own images. The students are also thinking about the information they reveal about themselves and have tried their utmost to leave specific times, places and dates from their posts.

One of the great incentives for having a blog is that it forces us as writers to try and produce an error free product each time. While this isn’t always achieved it’s great to see students checking and revisiting their work in order to show themselves in the best light possible. One or two of us are still checking our writing following the initial excitement of simply getting some posts published and they will be polished up this week.

A special mention to Monika who has really taken to blogging in an impressive way.

Over the next few weeks the first group will develop their skills until they are ready to tutor the next set of budding bloggers. I hope we may even have the whole class online before the end of the first term.

Blogging Task #1

Now the blogs have been created it’s about time we started moving things along. This week sees the first blogging task to be set for the new group of students bloggers. Hopefully, by the end of this week, it would be great to see all the blogs have a set theme, header, background and greeting. Also, an initial post to welcome people to your blog would be a great idea, or, if you feel ready, a post on a topic you feel is worth sharing with the world. Don’t forget, all posts and images need to adhere to our strict code of conduct. The writing has to be clear and accurate and the images must either be your own or licensed for re-use. Good luck and have fun!